Monday, January 14, 2013


          Imagine this. You are dating this guy or girl right? You’ve been dating for a few months, they tell you that they love you blah, blah, blah. Then you find them and your so called “best friend” in a car, just sitting there making out. You can’t believe it. You feel a hundred different emotions. Mostly you’re hurt and sad. Then all the sadness wears of f and you finally stop crying. Now you’re angry, furious, fuming. You know what happens next? You start plotting your revenge. Everyone tells you, “Oh don’t let it affect you. You don’t need them anyway. They don’t deserve you. Karma will get them.” You know what I think? Karma takes too long, and plus revenge is more fun.

      I don’t need to tell you what revenge is. You already know what it is. Actually I guarantee that every single person that reads this has tried to get revenge on someone in some way shape or form. It may not be very drastic like say killing someone because that is a littttttttttttttttttttttle extreme; it could be as simple as getting back at your brother or sister. I also guarantee that, if not all of you then most of you, have had someone get revenge on you. But hey that’s just my opinion.

      Revenge is the basis for a lot of things. People write songs about it, books about it, television shows, and several movies in which revenge is the theme.

       For example, The Dark Knight is a well known movie based on revenge. In the movie one of the main characters seeks revenge because he believes everything has been taken from him.


Intense right? You should watch it, it's a great movie!

      Another great movie based on revenge is Taken. Taken is about a retired CIA agent, whose daughter gets taken and he tries to find her and seek revenge on the people who took her.


But seriously. Watch it. Like soon. Not even kidding.

      There’s also this tv show called Revenge. I mean I guess you could say it’s kind of based on revenge.. oh I’m so funny! This show is about a girl whose father has been killed. She moves to a town where she knows the Grayson’s live. She knows that the Grayson’s were associated with her fathers murder. So of course she seeks revenge. Like I  said before nothings more fun than revenge.


This show is also a must watch; OBVIOUSLY!

      There are also plays based off of the concept of revenge. William Shakespeare is very well known for writing plays on revenge. One of his most famous revenge plays is called Hamlet. What makes it a revenge play is that throughout the entire play, Hamlet is plotting his revenge on his uncle who has not only killed his father, but married his mother and become the king.

So let’s recap.

o   Karma = boring

o   Revenge = fun

o   What is the dictionary definition of revenge? The action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for a wrong suffered at their hands.

o   Revenge is portrayed through music, movies, everyday life, etc.

I think that that is all I have to say on the subject. I suppose I will stop boring you now.

Oh! And don’t forget..

"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." ~ Alfred Hitchcock

I hope you all have a lovely day!




  1. I totally agree with you. Your first paragraph says it all. You do want to get revenge when something upsetting happens to you. Also, I think that you put some good video clips in that relates to your blog and it fit in very well. Good job!

  2. I love the way your blog looks! I also agree with you. When someone has done you wrong all you want to do is get revenge. Over all this was an excellent piece. Keep up the good work!
