Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Break Up Letter

Dear Ryan,

          I cannot even begin to tell you how good of a boyfriend you really are. You’re just so rude, arrogant, inconsiderate, conceded, self-centered, irritating, needy, and just a down right “jerk” (I would say something else but that would be mean). Those are some movie star qualities right there. I bet every girl in the world wishes that they had someone just like you. I’m obviously so lucky to have you in my life. I don’t know what I’d do without you! I honestly don’t even deserve you. You care so much about my feelings and you would never do anything to hurt me. You always know how to put a smile on my face and turn that frown upside down.

          We have had some really good and interesting times. From that one day that you ignored me at the beach, to the other day that you ignored me at our friend’s house, and even the day that you ignored me at our other friend’s house! I love being ignored so much, it makes me feel so special! It makes me feel so loved! I especially loved every single one of the cute little dates you took me on. You were always being a gentleman and opening doors, and even buying me a few little things here and there.

          Now I think that I’m just not good enough for you anymore. You deserve someone who will put up with all of the crap you would put them through and I just don’t think I can give that to you anymore. I can’t do anything right and I’m sorry for that. I hope you find someone who is perfect for you and I hope that you want the same for me too.

Without love,



P.S. I hate you<3