Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Satire? What the heck is this, “satire”nonsense? Satire is the literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule and scorn. Now what on earth did I Just say? I don’t even know I think I’m going crazy... oh well. Just kidding! I know what I’m talking about. Sort of… But really, anyway, in other words satire is the critique of human behavior shown by pointing out the humor and stupid things that people do. You still don’t get it though do you? I probably wouldn’t, oh wait I already don’t… but shhh no one needs to know that. But don’t worry. I hereby promise that in this very blog post, you will fully understand the topics of satire. If I fail to do so, I will permit you to throw me off a bridge. Not really that was sarcasm…See what I did there! Haha I am so funny! See you actually use satire a lot more than you would think. You are probably sarcastic at least once a day in some way. But, DID YOU KNOW that satire comes in many other forms. You don’t have to tell me I already know... I totally just BLEW you’re mind. It’s okay, you can admit it. You want to know some other examples? No? Okay here are some anyway. One very popular form of satire is a parody. I’m pretty sure everyone knows what a parody is. You make a video making fun of something. It could be a movie...

Or a song…

It could be a lot of things! Parodies are great ways of making something or someone look extremely, for lack of a better word, stupid. For example one of the links above is of a twilight parody. Many people are absolutely obsessed with Twilight and many people find it really, once again for a lack of a better word, dumb. I have also posted a link to a parody of the song, “How Low” above. In this particular parody the maker of the video thinks that rapping is stupid and that all they do is say words really fast. Which I admit is true probably fifty percent of the time. The third link above that I have posted is a link to another parody by the same person. This time it is a parody of the son, "Tik Tok." I personally find this particular video very funny. I think that his version of the song is the perfect parody. The words to his version are just so random and make the song sound unbelievably stupid, as horrible as that may sound. But that's just my opinion.

As I stated before, satire comes in many different forms. Another way satire can be shown is through literature. For example, the story of Huckleberry Finn is satire in a large part. The novel pokes fun at many different things. In this novel, Twain mocks several things, slavery and family feuds being two of the many. Twain uses the characters Jim and Huck to show the poor treatment of slaves. In the case of the family feud, Twain's version is meant to be laughed at in my opinion. The feud in the novel is absolutely pointless, stupid, and silly. This example of satire is meant to show the stupidity of human nature.